Chicken Nugget Therapy

Earlier today I had a wonderful talk with my grandmother.  We talked about how GadgetMan still loves his job and how the kidlets are doing…all the typical stuff that grandmas want to know.  The last couple of weeks have been more then a little crazy around here…with school schedules moving into full swing and DoubleD’s brush with pneumonia…so there was plenty to talk about.  At one point, Grandma wanted to make sure I was taking care of myself.  “You make sure you take time for yourself and get away every so often.”  I calmly answered, “Don’t worry.  (GadgetMan) takes good care of me and makes sure I get out at least once a week.  Plus I have my garden set up so that I can sneak out and do some quiet weeding.  And on really hard days I can always go out and sit with the chickens.”  Silence…then sounds of gasping for breath… Continue reading

Nugget Update

I hadn’t realized it’d been so long since I updated how the chickens were doing.  The girls are now about 8 weeks old, and they’re far from the little fluffs we started out with.  For the most part the coop was completed last weekend.  There’s a few minor things to finish, but nothing that stopped us from moving them outside for good.  They’ve been in the Nugget Manor for about a week, and the only thing we’ve had to really worry about has been the heat.  116 degree weather makes all of us more then a little bit cranky.

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Bully Times Two

Ever notice that bully behavior rarely happens in lone situations?  The bully always seems to have a buddy (or two or three)…and for some, bully behavior seems to give them permission to suspend all moral and ethical convictions.  It’s sad when humans do this…you’d think human intelligence would teach us to be better…but human intelligence doesn’t always mean human smarts. Continue reading

Summer/Fall Garden

With all the busy craziness happening here, my poor garden (and yard) has been shamefully neglected.  Our hydroponics experiment had many successes and a few failures.  Earlier this year we reevaluated my garden and decided to redo a few things.  This worked great when we decided to start the chicken nugget adventure…our redesign didn’t take much to adjust for the chickens.  Unfortunately, redesigning also delayed my garden this year.  Not ideal, but life happens and we move on.  🙂 Continue reading

Responsibility and Stewardship

There have been quite a few talks about responsibility and stewardship around here lately.  Mostly in regard to taking care of the chickens.  They’ve been out of the cute little fluffy stage for a little bit now and are well into the “teen” stage.  My kidlets are beginning to realize that having these chickens means more work and responsibility for all of us…which isn’t completely a bad thing. Continue reading

A Child…is Universal

Watching my kidlets interact with the new chicks has been an enjoyable thing.  CareBear wants to jump in and do everything with them.  GadgetJunior doesn’t thinks he’s too old to show interest in them…though I’ve caught him watching when he didn’t think I was there.  KnightJester started out being really nervous around them, but he’s facing his fears and learning to relax around them.  FireBird is a natural animal person.  The chicks stay so calm around her, it’s really amazing to watch.  DoubleD and LittleMiss are learning patience and gentleness.  Adding “the girls” to our family, will teach us many lessons I think. Continue reading