A New Year – 2012

I know I’m a wee bit behind on this…but give me a little slack.  🙂  Growing a baby is exhausting work…and I haven’t felt much like blogging.  It is a new year though, and I do have a few plans and thoughts for the year.  Not sure I’d call them resolutions though. Continue reading

Happy Pampering

For anyone who hasn’t heard the news yet…which I doubt is very many because my simple little blog lacks many visitors at the moment…but just in case there’s one or two who haven’t heard…we’re expecting our 7th kidlet next summer.  Before anyone gets all worried or excited, we are aware that this is an early announcement.  I have a good reason for it though. Continue reading

Always Remembered, Never Forgotten

There are certain events in our lives that burn their memories in our hearts and minds.  Some of them are “sweet and fluffy” like the birth of a child or a perfect gift given.  Some are triumphant, like a hard won victory and a challenge met and conquered.  Some are “bitter – sweet” like hard lessons learned and the loss of a loved one.  And then there are the rare few that have few words to describe them.  They’re the ones that take our breath away, and fill our hearts with indescribable grief and our minds with inconsolable questions.  They’re the ones that make the world stop turning and burn so deep they mark the soul.  They will always be remembered…and never forgotten. Continue reading

Chicken Nugget Therapy

Earlier today I had a wonderful talk with my grandmother.  We talked about how GadgetMan still loves his job and how the kidlets are doing…all the typical stuff that grandmas want to know.  The last couple of weeks have been more then a little crazy around here…with school schedules moving into full swing and DoubleD’s brush with pneumonia…so there was plenty to talk about.  At one point, Grandma wanted to make sure I was taking care of myself.  “You make sure you take time for yourself and get away every so often.”  I calmly answered, “Don’t worry.  (GadgetMan) takes good care of me and makes sure I get out at least once a week.  Plus I have my garden set up so that I can sneak out and do some quiet weeding.  And on really hard days I can always go out and sit with the chickens.”  Silence…then sounds of gasping for breath… Continue reading

Time Theory

I’m not a scientist or physicist or anything even close to it.  I couldn’t explain space/time theory if my life depended on it.  GadgetMan, who is a scientist, could probably try explaining it…but I probably still wouldn’t understand enough to save my life.  What I do know is that time likes messing with me…especially if I have an appointment to be somewhere.  My own time theory – Continue reading

I Know…

Five short simple days ago, a beautiful, outgoing, young mother traveled a dark road back to the arms of our loving Savior.  A couple of short simple weeks before, I had passed her on the street…herding my kidlets to swim lessons, while she was walking her sweet children to the park.  Did I see something then?  Should I have been less focused on our errand and taken more time to talk to her?  Could I have made a difference?  I’ve walked similar dark roads…and part of me feels that I should have been able to sense something.  Could I have let her know she wasn’t alone?  We’d talked before…our children have played together at the park…CareBear loved babysitting her sweet children.  Is there something I could have done?  I don’t know…I didn’t know her well.  Maybe therein lies my deep sadness…I didn’t know her well.  Continue reading

All Things Old

For as long as I can remember I’ve had a fascination and love for old places and things.  History was always one of my favorite subjects in school.  I enjoy wondering how people might have lived in any given time in the past…wondering who might have walked here or who used this and what they thought while they were doing that.  Visiting old “ghost towns” is my idea of a fun holiday…and I could blissfully spend hours walking through old cemeteries. Continue reading