Chicken Nugget Therapy

Earlier today I had a wonderful talk with my grandmother.  We talked about how GadgetMan still loves his job and how the kidlets are doing…all the typical stuff that grandmas want to know.  The last couple of weeks have been more then a little crazy around here…with school schedules moving into full swing and DoubleD’s brush with pneumonia…so there was plenty to talk about.  At one point, Grandma wanted to make sure I was taking care of myself.  “You make sure you take time for yourself and get away every so often.”  I calmly answered, “Don’t worry.  (GadgetMan) takes good care of me and makes sure I get out at least once a week.  Plus I have my garden set up so that I can sneak out and do some quiet weeding.  And on really hard days I can always go out and sit with the chickens.”  Silence…then sounds of gasping for breath… Continue reading

A Child…is Everywhere

When we had our first child, it quickly became apparent that the way we’d always done things were going to change dramatically.  Having a child was one of the best decisions we ever made.  It’s also been one of the most stressful, frustrating and exhausting!  Our lives are no longer our own.  Everyone thinks that their child belongs to them.  That’s not true.  You belong to your child!  What makes it worse, is that a child has abundant energy…and quickly learns to be EVERYWHERE! Continue reading