The Belgariad, Vol. 2 by David Eddings

ehand Yep…I finished the The Belgariad, Vol. 2. You knew I would, right? I didn’t have the excuse of being sick with this one, but I still spent way more time then I should have indulging myself. In fact, I’ve read 2 other books since finishing the Belgariad series. It’s like an addiction relapse. GadgetMan said it’s been a long time since he’s seen me dive into reading…but raising kidlets and running a household takes a lot of time and I hate giving into my reading addiction. It’s too easy for me to come up with all kinds of excuses to hide in a book for a few hours. Though maybe my kidlets like the chance to do whatever they want while I read. I suppose I better find a happy medium. Continue reading

The Belgariad, Vol. 1 by David Eddings

ehand Before Christopher Paolini with Eragon, Robert Jordan with The Wheel of Time and Holly Black with The Spiderwick Chronicles, there was David Eddings. He, Terry Brooks and Anne McCaffrey are three authors that introduced me to the fantasy genre and it’s been a strong friendship ever since. I’ve enjoyed other authors’ work, both in and outside of the Scifi/Fantasy realm, but I tend to revisit my original favorites every couple of years or so. Over this past weekend, when knocked flat with a stomach flu, I picked up David Eddings’ The Belgariad, Vol. 1 (Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery, Magician’s Gambit)to pass the time and hide from the yucks. It was like slipping on a comfortable old pair of slippers and wrapping up in a warm familiar blanket. It’d been a while and I’d forgotten how much I enjoy this book. Continue reading