A Child…is Amazing

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love children.  I was going to have a hundred when I grew up!  It shouldn’t be much of a surprise that I think children are amazing…especially my own children.  They’re constantly amazing me with this and that so I thought I’d brag on one of them for a minute (or two or three). Continue reading

I Did Nothing Wrong

ihand The anger and persecution directed at the LDS Church over California proposition 8 has been disappointing and troubling. This whole election year has been troubling in one form or another. It’s all very tiring. My voting choices were not shallow or vindictive, but were researched, studied and yes, even prayed over. I didn’t vote on Prop8, but I did have the opportunity to vote on a similar proposition in my state. And opportunity it was…voting in this grand Country IS an opportunity…and one I don’t take lightly. Continue reading