Phoenix Fairy

The Phoenix Fairy came about when I wanted to give a hand painted ceramic figure to a very dear friend who has been one of my greatest supports and help through my struggles with so much pain.  I also wanted to give something to my therapist who encouraged me to try painting again.  I wanted the figures to have meaning and purpose.  The Phoenix Fairy was born.  She’s a symbol of rebirth from the ashes of grief and pain.  A rebirth into something magical, beautiful, and strong.  Her name and colors have meaning.

Since the first two, there have been 5 more…and I have plans for several more.  🙂  I’ve been encouraged to try to sell them as a way to build some self confidence…and to help fund my painting.  You can find them in my Etsy shop if you’re interested.

My amazingly talented daughter, Maighan, helped me by writing a wonderful and touching poem for my Fairies.

A Phoenix Fairy

A Phoenix Fairy; from trails and pain.
Born from ashes; triumphant reign.
Colors, symbols; a personal sign.
Eternal beauty; destined to shine.

As Daughters of God, we came to change.
Our time to test; discover our range.
So often a fall comes after trying.
Many say, “We’re not meant for flying.”

Still, others think to soar you can’t fall.
But can you fly with no challenge at all?
It’s pointless and dull; easily done.
There’s no point to win, if you haven’t won.

Time and time opposition will roar,
But don’t ever give up; arise and soar!
You are meant to achieve many great things!
The bigger the struggle; the stronger the wings!

You rise above the trials and pain;
You fly; you soar; you discover your aim.
The burning ashes are temporary;
You rise and win, like this Phoenix Fairy.
Once lost in ashes of trial and pain,

Feeling hopeless and lost; nothing to gain.
To rise from the dust is often so scary.
Triumphant beauty; a Phoenix Fairy.

Maighan Hall
Hellena Hall