Spoon Day

No…I don’t mean National Spoon Day…or anything like that.  Nothing crazy.  Just me sitting around doing as little as possible.  Often napping.  Sometimes reading or writing or binge watching or napping.  Always a struggle. Why Spoon? A while ago, I … Continue reading

One to rule them all…NOT!

Chronic/Invisible illnesses really, really, really stink!  (I’m working on a post explaining my own struggle…check back soon) Broken Mind.  Broken Body.  Broken Spirit. I used to believe that health was mostly body driven, and that the greatest happiness comes from … Continue reading

Miss Me?

Eh…probably not…right?

5 years is a long time.

But I’m back…hopefully in a more consistent way.  And ForeverWhy is getting a make-over!  New look and hopefully better…and easier to keep moving forward.  Not sure where this journey will take me…us…but I think I’ve finally ready to figure that out.

So…be honest…what do you think of the new look?

It’s still a work in progress.  I have a bunch of pictures to add.  Slow and steady…right?

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Book and Movie review for Harry Potter #4. (You can find review of #1 here and #2 here and #3 here.)  This book is still by far my favorite in the Harry Potter saga.  Fast paced from the Quidditch World Cup in the beginning to the Mad Eye Moody conclusion.  I still find myself not wanting to put it down when I pick it up to reread.  Continue reading