Outside the Box

…or cupboard in this case.  I’ve been slowly mucking out my kitchen and trying to reorganize it in a way that works better for all of us.  Unfortunately there isn’t a whole lot I can do different then we have been doing.  My kitchen isn’t all that big…and with 8 of us, disorganized is just a fact of life that I’m slowly learning to live with.  I did do something knew though… Continue reading

D.B. Tip #3 & #4

uhand Tidy D.B. Tip: I have discovered the best cleaning and dusting cloths!  I’m probably the very last to know this…but just in case I’m not, I’ll share my find.  Ok…I can’t take complete credit because someone had recommended using them to make my own swiffer cloths.  But I discovered how wonderful they are for cleaning…for myself.  I used one out of almost desperation to clean the floor of  the bathroom the other day and was amazed at how easy and quickly the job was done.  And the best part was how quickly the baseboards cleaned up!  My house has horrible baseboards…horrible in the fast that dust and dirt accumulates there and they’re horrible to clean.  I love the microfiber cloths…I don’t think my baseboards have ever looked so good!

I plan on making some swiffer cloths…trying to make some swiffer dust cloths…and make some other things as well.  When I get the design all figured out I’ll share.

Oh and a Provident D.B. Tip: Costco has a huge pack of microfiber cloths for a good price.  They’re in the auto section…sold as auto cleaners.  And they’re a bright yellow color…but that’s a minor point if they do a good job…at least for me.

D.B. Tip #2

uhand Provident D.B. Tip:  Keep an eye on those little numbers on the bottom of the packaging of your favorite foods.  If you’ve been relieved to see that the average price of a lot of foods hasn’t changed all that much in the midst of these hard times,  you might be amazed to see that most of those are decreasing in weight to compensate.  Example: an 18oz box of cereal is now 15oz.  Most of the time it’s not a lot…though I’m sure a couple ounces can save companies a lot.  But the ones that I get really frustrated with are the companies that are drastically cutting sizes AND increasing prices.  It’s always a good idea to watch unit prices as opposed to the sale price when you’re trying to find the best deals.

D.B. Tip #1

uhand Handy D.B. Tip:  Always keep at least a 1/2 tank of gas in your vehicle…especially if you regularly commute in a high traffic area.  Or at least, as part of your vehicle emergency kit, have your own gas can…and a good pair of sneakers!  Oh, and any size bigger then 1 gallon for the gas can is a pain…in the elbow and shoulders and back…